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Georgia Pre-Examination Training Program©

The Georgia Department of Agriculture is enforcing the requirement that all structural pest management companies that conduct structural pest control in Georgia must provide and document the training required by the Rules of the Georgia Structural Pest Control Commission.  All new service and sales employees must receive 10 hours of classroom training and 70 hours of on-the-job training prior to the new employee taking the Employee Registration Exam.  There is a special training form where this training must be recorded.  State Regulatory Field Inspectors may ask to see these records for any new employee for a period of two years after the training was conducted.

The Georgia Pre-Examination Training Program© has been reviewed and approved as meeting the requirement of the Rules of the Georgia Structural Pest Control Commission and is the simplest way for a company to provide new employees with the information required in the 10 hours of classroom training.  If you are interested in finding out more about this valuable training program, please contact Terry W, Bowen by calling him at 770-557-2704, emailing him at, or by completing the website submission form. You can see a sample video below.

Our Recent Work

GA Pre-Exam Training (10 Hours) Sample

Click on the video to see a short sample of Session 1 of the Georgia Pre-Examination Training Program which covers the classroom training required by the Rules of the Georgia Structural Pest Control Commission


Training is the most important benefit that an employer can give to an employee. Terry W. Bowen, BCE has provided training to employees for over 35 years.  BCE can provide the training your employees need to be successful in their career in the structural pest management industry.

Regulatory Compliance Assistance

Staying out of trouble with regulatory agencies such as the different state Departments of Agriculture can be like walking through a minefield blindfolded.  Bowen Consulting Enterprises can help you navigate these difficult areas.

Continuing Education Training

Your state may require personnel to earn a specific number of continuing education units (CEU, CCH, etc.) to maintain registrations, licenses, or certifications.  Bowen Consulting Enterprises is an approved education provider in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee. 

Forms Development/Review

Most states require various documents as it relates to pest management services such as contracts, inspection reports, service tickets, etc.  BCE can help your company develop the forms needed for compliance and good business practices.  Whether you use the good old fashioned paper forms or you want to use electronic forms, we can help.  BCE can also review your current documents for any issues related to regulatory requirements and industry practices.

Pest Issue Assistance

A characteristic of a world-class pest management company or employee is asking for help when you need it.  We can help you with difficult to management pest control issues.

OSHA Compliance Assistance

It is an urban myth that a company has to have a minimum number of employees before needing to worry about OSHA regulations affecting their business.  Just having a single employee triggers the need to be in compliance with certain OSHA standards.  Contact Terry to discuss which OSHA regulations apply to your business. 


STEP UP Course

The STEP UP Course has been developed to advance the knowledge of Pest Management Professionals and help them prepare to become Certified Operators. This is a recurring program consisting of 13 sessions, conducted on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 - 9 PM. This is a webinar-based training program which eliminates the travel time associated with many training programs where travel to a training site is required.

Contact the CPCOofGA at 770-338-1050 if you are interested in registering for the next STEP UP Course offering. 

Terry W. Bowen, BCE

Terry is a Board Certified Urban and Industrial Entomologist with over 40 years experience in the structural pest management industry.  His area of concentration as a consultant is the technical and service side of the industry.  If you need assistance with any of the services outlined above, please give Terry a call at 770-557-2704, by email at, or by website contact submission form.  If you feel you need assistance with any issue related to the structural pest management industry but is not listed in the services above, contact Terry anyway.  If Terry can't help, maybe he knows someone that can.

Terry was awarded the 2022 CPCOofGA Wayne Webber Award of Excellence with the following citation, "In Recognition of Your Dedication and Loyalty.  We appreciate your wealth of knowledge, innovative efforts, and willingness to help all in the industry.  Thank you for your vital contribution to our success".

"I would rather train an employee and they leave my company, than not train them and they stay!"

Anonymous Trainer

A Strategic Partnership

Bowen Consulting Enterprises is proud to have a Strategic Partnership with the CPCOofGA to provide individuals and companies in the structural pest management industry with opportunities for career growth and continuing education credits in multiple states.  If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact the CPCOofGA, 

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First Thursday Webinar 

Training Series

In partnership with the CPCOofGA, Bowen Consulting Enterprises will be conducting a recurring webinar series on the first Thursday of each month.  Wood Destroying Organism (WDO) credit will be offered in the odd months (January, March, May, July, September, November) and General Household Pest Control (HPC) will be offered in the even months (February, April, June, August, October, December). Most webinar sessions will have credits in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee.  Each webinar will begin at 7:30 AM (Eastern time zone) and end at 8:30 AM.  If you would like to attend any of these webinars, please contact the CPCO of GA at or call 770-338-1050. Registration is required at least one week prior to each webinar.


Strategic Training, Enrichment and Preparation for 

Uprising Professionals

ST​EP UP Webinar Course #15

The STEP UP course has been developed to advance the knowledge of Pest Management Professionals and help them prepare to become Certified Operators.  This is a recurring program  consisting of 13 sessions, conducted on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 - 9 PM.  This is a webinar-based training program which eliminates the travel time associated with many training programs where travel to a training site is required.


In addition, you can attend individual sessions when 

you don't need the entire course's CEU credits.


This course has been granted continuing education credits for the following States and categories:


 - 6 hours Chapter 482 and Chapter 487 General Standards (CORE)

 - 20 hours Commercial General Household Pest Control (GHP)

 - 7 hours Commercial Wood Destroying Organism Control (WDO)

  - 3 hours Commercial Fumigation (FUM)


 - 26 hours in Household Pest Control (HPC)

 - 9 hours in Wood Destroying Organisms (WDO)

 - 3 hours in Fumigation (FUM)

 - 6 hours in Pesticide Category 24 (Ornamental and Turf)

 - 3 hours in Pesticide Category 26 (Aquatic Pest Control)

 - 3 hours in Pesticide Category 38 (Commodity Fumigation)

 - 9 hours in Pesticide Category 41 (Mosquito Control)

South Carolina 

 - 33 hours in Category 7A (Industrial, Institutional, Structural Pest Control)

 - 3 hours in Category 7B (Fumigation)

 - 3 hours in Category 8 (Public Health Control)


 - 36 hours in Category 7 (General Household and Structural Pests)

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Contact Maria or Connie at the CPCOofGA by calling 770-338-1050 or email at to register.

If you miss this offering, please contact the CPCOofGA and get your name on the list for the next STEP UP course offering.

© 2023 Bowen Consulting Enterprises LLC

5556 Clover Rise ​Ln

Norcross GA 30093

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