OSHA Compliance Package for Pest Management Companies
OSHA Compliance Package for Pest Management Companies
The OSHA Compliance Package for Pest Management Companies is designed to help businesses engaged in structural pest management and closely related businesses (lawn care, ornamental and tree care, mosquito control, aquatic pest control, etc.) with compliance required by OSHA Standards and Regulations. The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 requires that all employers ensure safe and healthful working conditions for employees. If your business has one employee other than the business owners, you probably have at least a few OSHA Standards and Regulations which apply to your business. Respirator fit-testing and ladder safety training is two of the most common OSHA regulations for the pest management industry. Don't wait until the OSHA inspector is at your front door as this is too late to be in compliance. If you want to know what OSHA regulations apply to your business, please call Terry at 770-557-2704, send an email to twbowen59@yahoo.com or fill out the website submission form. In 15 - 20 minutes, you can find out how to comply with the OSHA regulations that affect your business.
The Pest Management Professional Pledge
The Pest Management Professional Pledge
The PMP Pledge shows your company's and your employee's commitment to being true service professionals. The PMP Pledge reminds your employees of their commitments to their families, themselves, their customers and their companies. The PMP Pledge can be purchased as plastic wallet cards or wall certificates.

The PMP Pledge Wallet Card
The PMP Pledge Wallet Card
The PMP Pledge Wallet Card is a plastic wallet card that employees can carry as a daily reminder of their commitment as a Pest Management Professional. $1.00 per card plus shipping and handling.
Minimum Order = 25 cards

The PMP Pledge Certificate
The PMP Pledge Certificate is 8" x 11" certificate printed on 24 lb. paper that employers can award to an employee for a variety of reasons such as;
1. Completing certain training requirements
2. Passing an exam such as the Georgia Employee Registration Examination
3. As a certificate for becoming an employee of the company
These certificates are perfect for framing and can be mounted on the wall in the company office or given to the employee. $1.00 per certificate plus shipping and handling.
Minimum Order = 25 certificates.